Welcome to my humble abode!

Stay a while! Or forever...

This is my personal website! I'm just a guy who has way too much free time and a love for spooky stuff.

I haven't seen what this site looks like on a phone or put any work into making this not horrible on mobile, so if you're unlucky enough to be viewing this from your phone: sorry! And if you're wondering why Elbowthief... sometimes the name that you come up with when you're twelve sticks with you.

My current project with this site is to make a page for my comic collection. I think it'll take a while to get going, as I have something a bit above my skillset in mind. It'll be cool though. I'm also always adding more additions to the Gerard Donelan comic collection I have going, because there are a bajillion of those things. I've recently realized that when you google his name, my website shows up as one of the first results, so that's simultaneously embarrassing and awesome.

Here's the link to my Neocities profile.
